2021 Edition

2nd African Philanthropy Conference, Virtual

The second edition adapted to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic by being hosted as a fully virtual event in 2021. Themed “The Role of African Philanthropy in Surviving COVID-19”, it underscored the resilience and adaptability of the sector in the face of global crises. This conference brought to light the critical role philanthropy played in addressing the immediate and long-term impacts of the pandemic on the continent. The keynote speakers included Tsitsi Masiyiwa, Founder of the HigherLife Foundation, Everjoice Win, then Executive Director of the Shine Project and Dr John Nkengasong, then Director of Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

The proceedings ran over three days, with delegates connecting to hear from panellists whose contributions were structured within the following sub-themes:

Sub-theme 1: African Philanthropy Achievements during COVID-19

Sub-theme 2: System Changes and Technology Shifts in African Philanthropy

Sub-theme 3: Opportunities for Uniting the Continent and Philanthropy’s Role

The inaugural Lifetime Achievement Awards were hosted with the purpose of the Award being  to recognise luminaries in the field while they are still alive. The Award is given to an individual who has contributed immensely to the growth, practice, trajectory and meaning of African philanthropy for the last twenty plus years, also recognising an individual who has contributed to mentoring leaders and practitioners in the philanthropy sector through various interventions and mechanisms.

Delegates who connected, joined to celebrate the work of Human Rights and Peace Advocate Akwasi Aidoo, whose stellar 30-year career in philanthropy was heard through inspiring testimonies and honoured with a musical performance from Baaba Maal.

This edition was a collaborative effort between the following organisations: