Day 2, Tuesday 30 July

Day 2, Tuesday 30 July
Keynote Speaker: Godwin Murunga, Executive Secretary, CODESRIA
Rapporteur: Jacob Mati, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI)
Parallel Stream 3: 09h30 – 11h30
Panel 1: Youth-led Philanthropy and Inclusive Strategies - Group A
Panel Chair: Tesfaye Zeleke
Rapporteur: Lelentle Mutaung
Room: Kalunda
- Limpho Moteuli-Ndleleni, Exploring The Influence of The Lesotho Defence Force's Social Responsibility Activities in Encouraging Behavioural Change, Wits University
- Sylvester Horvey, The Contribution of The Nonprofit Sector to The Creation of Dignified and Fulfilling Work for Young People in Ghana, Wits University
- Alemu Azmeraw, Does The Non-Profit Sector Trigger Profit-Making Actions Among Youths? Empirical Evidence from KEFETA, LIWAY, RAYEE and PASEWAY Projects, Addis Ababa University
- Augustine Jeke, University students-based initiatives in citizenry conscientization for community engagement on environmental conservation in Zimbabwe, Midlands State University
Panel 2: Youth-led Philanthropy and Inclusive Strategies - Group B
Panel Chair: Shonali Banerjee
Rapporteur: Ester Joseph
Room: Gwayi
- Nhamo Dapi, Youth Entrepreneurship Focused Philanthropy In Africa, A Potential Bridge Towards Transformation, National University of Science and Technology (NUST)
- Samuel Appiah, Youth Flourishing Through Dignified and Fulfilling Work: The Role Of The Non-Profit Sector, Wits University
- Bi Tie Roland Tizie, Essays on the Contribution of Non-Governmental Organizations To Decent Employment of Young People In Ivory Coast, Alhassane Ouattara University
- Innocent Ndikubwimana, A Systematic Desk-Review on The Contribution of The Non-Profit Sector to the Rwandan Economy Towards Creation of Dignified and Fulfilling Work for Young Women and Men, Institute of Policy Analysis and Research Rwanda
- Eleanor Chipeta, Literature Synthesis Report: Contribution of Nonprofit Sector to African University, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment
Panel 3: Philanthropy in Health and Education
Panel Chair: Ntefeleng Nene
Rapporteur: Tshele Moloi
Room: Kalala
- Neville Mangwiro, South African National Health Insurance Policy Process 2007-2019: Private and Third-Sector Lessons for BICS Countries, Wits University
- Tolbert Mucheri, Accelerating Maternal and Infant Mortality Reduction. Case Of Higherlife Foundation’s Philanthropic Investment in Zimbabwe, Higherlife Foundation and University of Cape Town
- Marlon Zakeyo, Study On Regulation and The Public Role of Philanthropic Foundations In The Southern African Development Community (SADC), Wits University
- Moira Faul, Decolonising Development in Education: Rethinking, Reframing and Reimagining Possibilities, Geneva Graduate Institute
Panel 4: Youth-led Philanthropy and Inclusive Strategies - Group C
Panel Chair: Jacob Mati
Rapporteur: Sfiso Lubisi
Room: Matesti
- Nolwazi Ndlovu, Youth And Philanthropy: An Examination of The Participation of African Youth Towards Sustainable Philanthropy Interventions, African Youth Philanthropy Network (AYPN)
- Mainford Toga, Opportunity Development Process for a Social Enterprise by a Youth-led Organization in the Chiadzwa Community, Manicaland in Zimbabwe, Wits University
- Addid Simie, Impact of NGO-led Watershed Management Practices on Youth Livelihoods and Unemployment in Rural areas of Oromia, Ethiopia, Addis Ababa University
Networking Break
Parallel Stream 4: 11h45 – 13h45
Panel 1: Philanthropy and Technology - Group A
Panel Chair: Melody Mandevere
Rapporteur: Addis Simie
Room: Kalunda
- Theshaya Naidoo, Crypto For Change: The Role Of Cryptocurrency In Cross-Continental Philanthropic Efforts, University of Cape Town
- Kamau Ndwiga, Philanthropy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Impact of AI on Corporate Governance, First Advantage Consulting
- Job Allan Wefwafwa, Reflections On Philanthropic Cultural Values and Methodological Decisions; Case Of WhatsApp Use In Western Kenya, Wits University
- Tom Mboya Were, How Distance and Technology Affect Philanthropy In Kenya - A Review Of The Journey Of Harambee, Act Change Transform
Panel 2: Philanthropy and Technology – Group B
Panel Chair: Alemu Azmeraw
Rapporteur: Neo Raliphada
Room: Matesti
- Patrick Ooro, The Potential Impact of AI And Big Data Analysis for Philanthropy in Sub-Saharan Africa, Day Seven Group
- Divine Atinyo, Importance Of Financial Technology in The Implementation of African Philanthropy, University of Cape Coast
- Rose Maruru, Challenging the myths: Individual giving to organisations in Africa, EPIC-Africa
Panel 3: Technology And Innovations in African Philanthropy
Panel Chair: Ali Awni
Rapporteur: Gosiame Noge
Room: Gwayi
- Pauline Kamau, Predictors of Alumni Giving Behaviours Toward Basic Education Institutions in Kenya, Wits University
- Dephney Nemakhavhani, Alumni Giving as Active Citizenship: The Influence of Social Norms, Wits University
- Sibongile Sowazi, Innovation And Change in African Philanthropy, A Case of Nelson Mandela University’s Online-Mandela-Giving Campaign, Nelson Mandela University
- Fiona Kigen, Leveraging Digital Technologies for Philanthropic Engagement in Higher Education: A Case Study of South African Universities, Wits University
Panel 4: Philanthropy and Global Shifts
Panel Chair: Shonali Banerjee
Rapporteur: Neville Mangwiro
Room: Kalala
- Warner Woodworth, Microfinance in Africa: Innovations for Empowering Poor Women, University of Utah
- Kelly Krawczyk, Measuring The Impact of Civil Society on Political Participation in Liberia, Auburn University
- Moses Okech, Youth-led Philanthropy and Inclusive Strategies: A Perspective on Refugee and Host Community Youth in Uganda, Makerere University
- Springs Akumah, Learning Geneva? The International Geneva ecosystem, International Education Funders Group (IEFG)
Panel 5: Philanthropy and Global Shifts
Panel Chair: Samuel Appiah
Rapporteur: Pauline Kamau
Room: Kazuma
- Ntefeleng Nene, African Philanthropic Collaborations Grow in Numbers and Impact, Bridgespan Group
- Neo Raliphada, African Philanthropy Adaptability and Readiness for Future Global Challenges, Day Seven Group
- Joyce Omwoha, Integrating Philanthropy and Person-Centred Communication to Address Climate Change and Eradicate FGM/C: A Case Study of Narok County, Kenya, Technical University of Kenya
- Stephen Mago, The African philanthropy model: giving in African rural communities, Nelson Mandela University
Pre-conference events
Adɔyɛ, African Women Philanthropy Initiative, hosted by CAPSI, by invitation
The Adɔyɛ, African Women Philanthropy Steering Committee will convene at the 5th APC. This informal session is an opportunity for SC members to reflect and deliberate on recent developments.
Writing for the Media, hosted by The Conversation Africa, by application
The Conversation Africa’s Science Communication Writing Workshop will introduce researchers and academics to science communication. The workshop will help attendees think about the importance of their research and the story that they want to write about. This is an important step in deciding to write an article based on academic research for a general audience.
Welcome cocktails at Elephant Hills Poolside