Day 3, Wednesday 31 July

Day 3, Wednesday 31 July
09h30 - Grounding and Introduction
Facilitator: Nozipho Tshabalala, The Conversation Strategists
Performers: Inguquko White Stars (Traditional Dancers)
- Briggs Bomba, Programs Director, TrustAfrica
09h45 - Official Opening
- Theo Sowa, Advisory Board Member, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI)
- Ebrima Sall, Executive Director, TrustAfrica
- Maurice Radebe, Director and Head, Wits Business School
- William Carew, Executive Secretary, AU - ECOSOCC
- Ambassador Rudo Chitiga, Permanent Secretary, Zimbabwean Ministry of Skills Audit and Development
10h30 - Artistic Interlude
Performer: Obert Dube, The Africa Poet
10h45 - Keynote Address
Topic: The Next Frontiers of African Philanthropy
Speaker: Tade Aina, Chief Impact and Research Officer, Mastercard Foundation
11h15 - Plenary Session
Topic: The Next Frontiers of African Philanthropy
This plenary session will delve into the dynamic evolution of the philanthropic landscape in Africa. Panellists will explore emerging trends, innovative strategies, and their implications for traditional philanthropic models.
Moderator: Nozipho Tshabalala, The Conversation Strategists
- Boniface Dulani, Director of Surveys, Afrobarometer
- Kole Shettima, Director of the Nigeria Office, McArthur Foundation
- Dierdre Williams, Managing Director of Network Grants, Open Society Foundation
- Halima Mahomed, Advisor, Harambe-Ubuntu PAFP
- Ali Awni, Director, Gerhart Center at the American University in Cairo
12h00 - Networking Break
Parallel Stream 1: 12h15 – 13h30
Parallel 1: Re-centering Philanthropic Narratives
Organisers: Harambe Ubuntu, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI)
Room: Kalundu
Moderator: Leila Hessini, Leila Hessini Strategies
- Halima Mohamed, Harambe-Ubuntu PAFP
- Naila Farouky, Arab Foundations Forum
- Bhekinkosi Moyo, CAPSI
- Theo Sowa, Graça Machel Trust
- Briggs Bomba, TrustAfrica
- Tsitsi Midzi, Urgent Action Fund-Africa
Parallel 2: The Growth in African Collaborative Funds
Organisers: Adeso Africa
Room: Gwayi
Moderator: Mosun Layode, African Philanthropy Forum (APF)
- Degan Ali, Adeso Africa
- Rose Maruru, EPIC-Africa
- Ntefeleng Nene, Bridgespan Group
Parallel 3: Philanthropy Transformation
Organisers: WINGS
Room: Pagota
- Antonio Bweme, WINGS
- Louise Driver, Independent Philanthropy Association of South Africa (IPASA)
Parallel 4: Learning, Unlearning and Rebuilding
Organisers: African Youth Philanthropy Network (AYPN)
Room: Matetsi
Moderator: Thembekile Maseko, African Youth Philanthropy Network (AYPN)
- Rouguiétou Khady Sow, TrustAfrica
- Tendai Murisa, SIVIO Institute
- Evans Okinyi, East Africa Philanthropy Network (EAPN)
Parallel 5: Fostering Peaceful Communities
Organisers: Unyoke Foundation, African Women Development Fund (AWDF), TrustAfrica and Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP)
Room: Kazuma
Moderator: Chandrika Sahai, PSJP
- Nomfundo Walaza, Unyoke Foundation
- Robinah Rubimbwa, Coalition for Action on 1325
- Afua Gyapomaa, African Women's Development Fund (AWDF)
13h30 – 14h30 - Lunch
14h30 - Keynote Address
Topic: Philanthropy in a Changing Global Order - Global Governance, Peace and Cooperation
Speaker: Naila Farouky, CEO and Executive Director of Arab Foundation Forum
15h00 - Plenary Session
Topic: Philanthropy in a Changing Global Order - Global Governance, Peace and Cooperation
Moderator: Gerry Salole, Visiting Adjunct Professor, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI)
- Priscilla Boiardi, Policy Analyst on Financing Sustainable Development OECD - OCDE
- Benjamin Bellegy, Executive Director, WINGS
- Ewelina Oblacewicz, Senior Partnerships and Impact Coordinator, Africa-Europe Foundation
- Robson Chakwana, Programme Manager, GIZ Botswana
15h45 – 16h00 - Networking Break
Parallel Stream 2: 16h00 – 17h15
Parallel 1: Youth Voices in the AfCFTA - Women and Youth in Trade Protocol
Organisers: Africa Philanthropy Network (APN)
Room: Pagota
Moderator: Vanessa Donkeng, APN
- Misheck Gondo, SADC SAYOF
- Joan Nyanyuki, African Child Forum
- Tanatsiwa Dambuza, Zimbabwe Institute of African Integration
Parallel 2: Just Transition Africa
Organisers: Wallace Global Fund
Room: Kalundu
Moderator: Bobby Peek, groundWork
- Makoma Lekalaka, Earthlife Africa
- Melania Chiponda, The SHINE Collab
- Gamuchirai Munesi, The SHINE Collab
Parallel 3: Feminism and Philanthropy
Topic: The Importance of Building on Feminist Associations and girls' and young women's organisations in Francophone West Africa. Experience of the Pananetugri Fund
Organisers: Fond Pananetugri
Room: Kalala
Moderator: Dieynaba Ndiom, Fond Pananetugri
- Zipporah Ndione, Fond Pananetugri
- Wendyam Micheline Kabore, Initiative Pananetugri pour le Bien-être de la Femme (IPBF)
Parallel 4: Exploring Indigenous African Giving Practices
Organisers: Giving Tuesday Africa and TrustAfrica
Room: Matetsi
Moderator: Briggs Bomba, TrustAfrica
- Halima Mahomed, Harambe Ubuntu PAFP
- Ogo Chukwudi, TrustAfrica
- Wycliffe Ouma, Centre on African Philanthropy and Social Investment (CAPSI)
- Eme Iniekung, Giving Tuesday Africa
Parallel 5: Africa Climate Models Within The Context of Wash Crisis
Organisers: Emergency Strategic Advisory Group (ESAG)
Room: Gwayi
- Belladonah Muzavazi Pondiwa, Institute of Water & Sanitation Development
- Khumbulani Maphosa, Matabeleland Institute for Human Rights
- Hardlife Mudzingwa, Community Water Alliance
17h30 – 18h30 - The Fight Against Water Privatisation
Event: Screening
Attendees are invited to an informal trailer screening of “Capturing Water” a documentary that follows three activists in Cape Town, South Africa, as they fight against the city’s water policies. The screening will be followed by a short discussion with the award-winning director Rehad Desai, Leonard Shang-Quartey, Coordinator of the Africa Water Justice Network, on the growing Africa Water Justice movement on the continent. This programme is organised by The Wallace Global Fund.